Thursday, October 10, 2013

I’m finally getting into my own running niche. And I have to say I LOVE it.

One special characteristic of my getting –fit regimen is that I decided to veto scales and weight. I’ve always known that muscle weighs more than fat, and honestly the pressure of being a certain number just makes me feel stressed and claustrophobic.

I don’t want to work my butt off (pun intended) only to find I’ve lost no weight, or gained weight. As women we obsess over that number on the scale when really we should be listening to our own bodies more.

I don’t need a number to tell me if I’m healthy or not. I can look in the mirror and see what needs improvement. I can tell by how my body feels and what I’m eating. So to not over analyze what a silly scale says I weigh, I’ve come up with my own method.
I decided am going to weigh myself by how I feel and my progress. And this week I give myself an A+. I can tell my clothes are starting to fit better, and in general I have more energy. Who knows if I actually look better or if the exercise is just boosting my confidence, but either way I feel great and that’s really what this is all about. After all, weight “ain’t nothin’ but a number baby.” I think that’s supposed to be age but, you get my drift.